mohamedghoul / Riftbound

An open-world action-adventure game developed in Unity
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Unity 3D + GitHub integration issues #3

Open mohamedghoul opened 2 months ago

mohamedghoul commented 2 months ago

After some research, it seems Unity 3D and GitHub have some integration issues. So far, the following issues have been discovered:

Updates on solutions to said issues will be added as comments to this issue, and any changes that may need to be made to the project will be made in a dedicated branch.

mohamedghoul commented 2 months ago

GitHub storage limits on individual files cannot exceed 100MB

It seems this will not be much of a problem. Given the size of our project, it would be very unlikely that any single file will exceed the limit unless something has gone terribly wrong.

mohamedghoul commented 2 months ago

Some project files go missing after being pushed to remote

I'm suspecting the main culprit here to be the .gitignore file excluding some files from commits. But this will have to be manually tested with multiple project members to be confirmed true. For the time being, project development will proceed as normal.

mohamedghoul commented 2 months ago

Keeping this issue open until manual testing is complete.