mohamedkhaledmk / Food-App-using-react

Food app landing page using React and static data. I have completed this project using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Tailwind CSS and React js.
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[Feature Request] Implement Redux for Shopping Cart Functionality - Add, Remove, Increase, Decrease Item Quantity #1

Open Rishav13773 opened 11 months ago

Rishav13773 commented 11 months ago

I would like to propose the addition of Redux to enhance the shopping cart functionality. The goal is to improve user experience by allowing seamless cart management, enabling users to add items, remove items, and adjust item quantities directly from the cart detail page.

Current Behavior :

Currently, there is no state management to and cart functionalities

Expected Behavior :

By implementing Redux, we can centralize the shopping cart state management, leading to a more stable, scalable, and efficient cart system. Users will benefit from smoother interactions and reliable cart management.

Proposed Features :

The following features should be implemented:

  1. Add to Cart: Users can add items to their cart directly from product detail pages, with the cart dynamically updating to reflect the added item.

  2. Remove from Cart: Users can remove items from the cart, updating the cart contents and total accordingly.

  3. Increase and Decrease Item Quantity: Users can adjust item quantities in the cart detail page. They should be able to increase or decrease the quantity of an item, reflecting the changes in real-time.

LOGESH-B commented 11 months ago

Hii @Rishav13773 Implementing Redux without backend may cause double work I think so

Rishav13773 commented 11 months ago

hello @LOGESH-B Although implementing Redux without a backend might demand extra frontend-related work, it doesn't necessarily result in double work. Redux can be effectively utilized for client-side state management, especially in smaller applications or prototype stages. By leveraging local storage or mock API data, you can simulate backend interactions and focus on developing frontend functionalities.