mohamedsaeed93 / Advanced-UI-Project

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Another carousel bug #3

Open mohamedkhaledabdel opened 8 years ago

mohamedkhaledabdel commented 8 years ago

Good evening @ahmadalfy,

I need your help in something. There is another carousel that I have a bug in.

This time the navigation of the carousel is working but there is a white background of image that I cant remove.

This carousel is found in the blog.html file. I have tried to do some work around using blog.css to remove this white background but I wasn't able to do it.

These files are found on mohamedkhaled branch and they are not yet pushed to the master, since the work on this branch is not finished.

Thank you so much alfy, and sorry for disturbing you multiple times.

ahmadalfy commented 8 years ago

You are using a slider called flexslider ... If you checked its CSS you will find that it has a background color set to white on the class .flexslider

Try inspect element using the browser devtools and search for the element with the class .flexslider ... Override its background to become transparent and that should eliminate the issue