mohamicorp / stash-jenkins-postreceive-webhook

Webhook used to notify Jenkins when commits are made to Stash
138 stars 98 forks source link

Can it be compatible with GitHub webhook? #14

Closed yylyyl closed 2 years ago

yylyyl commented 11 years ago

I mean it can call any URL not only jenkin, and support the API in

mikesir87 commented 11 years ago

I'm not quite sure what you're asking. The purpose of this plugin is to notify Jenkins that a new code commit/merge occurred. GitHub has this functionality by default, through its Webhook URLs interface (in the link provided). You simply need to provide the URL to your Jenkins instance.

Stash doesn't have this ability built into it, hence the reason for the plugin. The plugin allows you to notify Jenkins of the new code change and trigger a build.

yylyyl commented 11 years ago

In this plugin, only Jenkins instance can be called, but in the webhook of github, any of the URL can be called. I understand that it's only a plugin intended to notify Jenkins, but I think the plugin can be more "universal".

mikesir87 commented 11 years ago

Gotcha. Makes sense. We're fortunate with Jenkins because it only requires a simple GET request to a certain URL. However, other webhooks may require a structured POST body, user authentication (could be Basic-Auth, OAuth, etc.), etc. This, as I'm sure you can imagine, would make it much more difficult.

With that in mind, one thought would be to allow any arbitrary URL, as long as it doesn't require a structured POST body. If any other consideration is needed (POST body, authentication, etc), it'll need to be considered on a case-by-case situation.

yylyyl commented 11 years ago

I have forked it. I will concentrate on the "universal" one. :-)