mohamicorp / stash-jenkins-postreceive-webhook

Webhook used to notify Jenkins when commits are made to Stash
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Support Bitbucket 5.0 #190

Closed viceice closed 6 years ago

viceice commented 7 years ago

Bitbucket 5.0 is out, please add support.


kevindeuel commented 7 years ago

Has there been any response to this request? I tried to contact the developer using the vendor contact from the Atlassian site, but the email is returned with "user unknown" error.

jiri-pejchal commented 7 years ago


Looking for maintainer! As it's probably pretty obvious now, I haven't been able to maintain this plugin. It started as a one-man job and I eventually migrated away from Stash/Bitbucket to something a little more maintainable for a one-man shop. If you're interested in supporting this plugin, please contact me at mikesir87[at]gmail[dot]com.

mikesir87 commented 7 years ago

Hello all! I'm sorry for the quietness here. As @george-007 mentioned, yes... I'm looking for a maintainer as I'm not able to maintain this project anymore. However... since it's apparently completely not working in 5.0 right now and so many people are depending on it, I will see if I can get it at least get it up and running.

@krussan - I see your commit there. Have you been able to confirm that that commit does indeed get the plugin working on 5.0? Can any others confirm as well? If it looks good, I'll go ahead and merge and then get a release targeting 5.0.

If anyone is interested in maintaining the plugin long-term, please let me know!

krussan commented 7 years ago

@mikesir87 Yes. It works in our setup with BitBucket 5.0.1.

TimTim74 commented 7 years ago

Installed it today on 5.0.1 and cannot get it to work. Not even an error message??

Ping: @krussan, @mikesir87

TimTim74 commented 7 years ago

@krussan : What version of jenkins are you running then? We have 2.46.2 currently.

TimTim74 commented 7 years ago

@mikesir87 : Yes it works for us as well. Running Bitbucket 5.0.1 and Jenkins 2.46.2. Works like a charm now.

I must have done something wrong before, because now I reinstalled the plugin and it works like a charm.

clarenceh commented 7 years ago

@mikesir87 Hi this is Clarence, who is using Jenkins and upgraded to Bitbucket 5.1.0 recently. I also managed to make the plugin work in my installation by doing the following:

I really appreciate your work so far in providing this useful plugin for the community and understand that you are not able to maintain this plugin anymore. However, I believe that by just merge the PR #191 and then release a minor update 3.0.2, it will work on Bitbucket 5 and help out a lot of folks who had upgraded and using the plugin.

Best regards. Clarence

stesieber commented 7 years ago

@mikesir87 : the PR #191 of @alexBraidwood worked as expected for us - we installed the plugin in Bitbucket 5.1.(packaged with maven).

keeneym commented 6 years ago

@mikesir87 I have also built and deployed PR #191 and can confirm it is working for me with BitBucket 5.2.2 and Jenkins 2.70

ppodgorsek commented 6 years ago

@mikesir87, the fix from @alexBraidwood in PR #191 looks good. Could it be merged in order to have a working plugin on the Atlassian marketplace please?

mikesir87 commented 6 years ago

Hello all! Sorry for the radio silence... I'm working to add a few co-maintainers that can help keep up with the code, testing, and merge pull requests. I'll be adding @alexBraidwood as a maintainer and others as the requests come in. PR #191 will be merged and I'll push to the Marketplace! 🎉

mikesir87 commented 6 years ago

AND... released! Please pull the update and verify if it's working out for you guys!

ppodgorsek commented 6 years ago

PR #199 has been created to correctly set the dependencies in the POM file for the latest Bitbucket version.

viceice commented 6 years ago

This is working now. Should i close the issue?