mohamicorp / stash-jenkins-postreceive-webhook

Webhook used to notify Jenkins when commits are made to Stash
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Plugin disabled in all repos after update #35

Closed TheSpyder closed 10 years ago

TheSpyder commented 10 years ago

I've been using this plugin for about a week, it works really well, but this morning I installed an update when Stash notified me a new version was available. I've just realised that as a result the plugin is no longer enabled in any of my repositories.

This is really annoying, will this happen every time it updates? That seems untenable.

I'm not really sure what version I was running before but I can hunt through the backups if you need that info.

mikesir87 commented 10 years ago

This was an unfortunate side effect of changing the name of the webhook combined with how the settings are now being retrieved. We just updated the update notes to highlight this side effect so people are aware of it before upgrading and finding out.

As far as here on out... any future updates should still maintain its settings. I'm sorry for the trouble that this has caused. We did look around for a way to get around this, but there isn't much that can be done once the plugin has been renamed.

TheSpyder commented 10 years ago

Ah. Fair enough. Lucky I only had about 10 repos, we're not far into our migration yet :)

It's the sort of thing where I expected Stash to throw up a big warning, or not offer the update to me at all, when the name changed. ugh. Oh well.