mohamicorp / stash-jenkins-postreceive-webhook

Webhook used to notify Jenkins when commits are made to Stash
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Ignore commits by Jenkins #73

Open ssherriff opened 10 years ago

ssherriff commented 10 years ago

Would be great if could have a way to ignore comments by git email address instead of something specific to Stash.

For Jenkins, I've just an access key directly to the repository, but since that user doesn't have a Stash account, it seems I can't block commits from Jenkins. This is causing a loop in my build server as I do a commit during build to update version numbers automatically.

Either somewhat to ignore commits by access key as well, or maybe the ability to ignore commits where the comment matches a particular regex. I would like to ignore commits which have a comment similar to something like 'Release x.x.x'.\

Maybe others have been able to do this another way, or I'm missing something.

Thanks Steph

baepiff commented 10 years ago

I had same problem. I solved this problem use the following url for git repository(statsh)

kronenthaler commented 9 years ago

I found the same problem. I think the functionality is misleading or broken, because the text field says "Committers to Ignore" meaning git users that commits, not stash users that commits. IMO, it should ignore pushes/merges based on the author information of the git log.