mohamicorp / stash-jenkins-postreceive-webhook

Webhook used to notify Jenkins when commits are made to Stash
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The access to Jenkins from Stash ignores the proxy configuration in Java system properties #93

Closed hyrrot closed 9 years ago

hyrrot commented 9 years ago


Could you please add some support for HTTP proxy to the add-on?

My Stash instance is used in the enterprise network and some destination Jenkins hosts should be accessed via an http proxy. I specify http proxy in Java system properties. (I add -Dhttp.proxyHost=<proxy-hostname> and -Dhttp.proxyPort=<proxy-port-number> to JVM_SUPPORT_RECOMMENDED_ARGS in In my test I found Jenkins Webhook ignored those proxy configurations and it tried to send HTTP request directly to the Jenkins server.

I would like all the requests by the add-on respect the config, or a new add-on config to toggle the behaviour of sending the trigger (via proxy / directly).

bbaetz commented 9 years ago

I ran into this today too... I think that the fix is just to use SystemDefaultHttpClient instead of DefaultHttpClient in, but I ran out of time to test (and won't be able to get back to this until mid-Jan)