mohammed-ibenayad / whaller-exptesting

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Whaller -- Resolving copy-paste, link navigation, whallies count, and social media integration issues #45

Open mohammed-ibenayad opened 6 months ago

mohammed-ibenayad commented 6 months ago

Resolving copy-paste, link navigation, whallies count, and social media integration issues.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Click on your profile picture and choose 'I recommend Whaller!'.
  2. You will now encounter this informational prompt: 'Share this URL with your communities or on social media and receive 100 Whallies for each person who registers:'
  3. The primary concern is: The copy-paste function is not functioning correctly.
  4. The secondary concern: Upon clicking and opening the link, the user is directed to the 'log in' screen, while the info message refers to the sign-up page.
  5. The Third concern: The user's Whallies do not increase after sharing the invitation link and subscription of a new user.
  6. The Fourth concern: The integration with LinkedIn is not operational, and there is a need to update the Twitter app logo, which has now become the X app.

Expected behavior

  1. Improved Copy-Paste Functionality: Users should be able to seamlessly use the copy-paste feature without any issues.
  2. Consistent Link Navigation: Clicking on the shared link should consistently direct users to the appropriate sign-up page, aligning with the provided information message.
  3. Accurate Whallies Tracking: Users should see an increase in their Whallies count after successfully sharing the invite link and a new user subscribing.
  4. Functional LinkedIn Integration: The integration with LinkedIn should work seamlessly, providing users with a smooth experience. 5.Updated Twitter App Logo: The logo for the Twitter app should be corrected, ensuring it reflects the correct branding and does not appear as the X app.

Wep App:

Please check the attached video.

First issue.webm

Second issue.webm

Third issue (2).webm

Fourth issue00.webm