The goal of this issue is to cover all user stories of Sprint 4 with system automated testing (e2e). This will be done on the following branch:
Here are the user stories to cover:
[x] US-21 - As a user, I would like to view the Concordia shuttle bus schedule for both campuses.
[ ] US-22 - As a user, I would like to connect my direction to the next class to my google calendar.
[ ] US-23 - As a user, when connecting the direction to the next class in my google calendar, I would like to map those directions to multiple calendars.
[ ] US-24 - As a user, I would like to find the location of a classroom from the next calendar event.
[ ] US-29 - As a user, I would like to show paths optimized for access by students with disabilities.
[x] US-30 - As a user, I would like to be able to highlight points of interest such as washrooms, water foundations, stairs, etc.
[x] US-33 - As a user, I would like to be able to be given directions between classes from two different campuses.
[x] US-34 - As a user, I would like to see the nearest outdoor points of interest.
[x] US-35 - As a user, I would like to get the direction to the chosen nearest point of interest.
[x] US-36 - As a user, I would like to see a detailed description of the selected places.
Every time a user story is covered by the tests, it will be crossed from this post.
The goal of this issue is to cover all user stories of Sprint 4 with system automated testing (e2e). This will be done on the following branch:
Here are the user stories to cover:
Every time a user story is covered by the tests, it will be crossed from this post.