mohanadarafe / GuideMe

SOEN 390 | Winter 2020 | Mini Capstone
7 stars 5 forks source link

Acceptance Test #4 | US-29 As a user, I would like to show paths optimized for access by students with disabilities. [SPRINT 4] #232

Closed mohanadarafe closed 4 years ago

mohanadarafe commented 4 years ago


As a user, I would like to show paths optimized for access by students with disabilities.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open the app
  2. Search for a classroom
  3. Press on Get Directions
  4. Select the starting point as a classroom in a different floor (ex: H5 to H8)
  5. You will notice the default route is the closest stairs. 6 Press on the upper icon in the bottom menu
  6. Select YES for Mobility Reduced & slide down the preference menu.
  7. The path is now optimized to take the elevator.



jodavimehran commented 4 years ago
