[x] - Should display a list of all public recipes ordered by newest as in the wireframe.
[x] - Should lead to recipe details.
- Recipe details:
[x] - Should display a toggle button that allows for a recipe to be made public or private.
[x] - If the recipe is public or the user is the owner of the recipe, should display the recipe details as in the wireframe.
[x] - If the user is the owner of the recipe, should lead to the form that allows the user to add new food.
- General shopping list view:
[ ] - Should show the list of food that is missing for all recipes of the logged-in user (compare the list of food for all recipes with the general food list of that user).
[ ] - Should count the total food items and total price of the missing food.
- Inventory shopping list:
[ ] - Should show the list of food that is missing by comparing the food in the recipe with the food in the inventory.
[ ] - Should count the total food items and total price of the missing food.
- Public recipe list:
- Recipe details:
- General shopping list view:
- Inventory shopping list:
- Add style to the App