mohdmehran430 / chaush

1 stars 0 forks source link #1

Closed shajie720 closed 9 months ago

shajie720 commented 9 months ago

import tkinter as tk from tkinter import messagebox

class ChildRightsQuiz: def init(self, root): self.root = root self.root.title("Child Rights Quiz") self.root.geometry("800x500") self.root.config(bg="#ffefd5") # Set background color

    self.questions = [
        {"question": "Which right ensure a child's protection from discrimination?",
         "options": ["Right to non Discrimination", "Right to play", "Right to education"],
         "correct_option": "Right to non Discrimination",
         "explanation": ". Under the article 15 ,Children have the right to protection from abuse, neglect, exploitation and discrimination ."},

        {"question": "According to children's rights, every child has the right to what basic necessity?",
         "options": ["Education", "Food", "Toys"],
         "correct_option": "Food",
         "explanation": "The right to adequate nutrition is fundamental to a child's development and well-being."},

        {"question": "What is the essence of right to education?",
         "options": ["Right to skip school", "Right to quality Education", "Right to chose Homework"],
         "correct_option": "Right to quality Education",
         "explanation": "The Constitution (Eighty-sixth Amendment) Act, 2002 inserted Article 21-A in the Constitution of India to provide free and compulsory education of all children in the age group of six to fourteen years as a Fundamental Right in such a manner as the State may, by law, determine."},

        {"question": "In the context of education, what does the right to 'inclusive education' mean for children?",
         "options": ["Access to education for all children, regardless of their abilities or disabilities", 
                      "Exclusion of certain children from education", 
                      "Compulsory education for all children"],
         "correct_option": "Access to education for all children, regardless of their abilities or disabilities",
         "explanation": "Inclusive education ensures that all children, regardless of their abilities, have the right to quality education."},

        # {"question": "Identify the right being depicted in the image.",
        #  "image_path": "right_to_play.png",
        #  "options": ["Right to Play", "Right to Health", "Right to Expression"],
        #  "correct_option": "Right to Play",
        #  "explanation": "Playing is essential for a child's physical and mental development."},

        # {"question": "Identify the right being depicted in the image.",
        #  "image_path": "right_to_education.png",
        #  "options": ["Right to Play", "Right to Education", "Right to Expression"],
        #  "correct_option": "Right to Education",
        #  "explanation": "Education is a fundamental right that every child should have access to."},

        # {"question": "Identify the right being depicted in the image.",
        #  "image_path": "right_to_protection.png",
        #  "options": ["Right to Protection", "Right to Participation", "Right to Expression"],
        #  "correct_option": "Right to Protection",
        #  "explanation": "Children have the right to be protected from harm and exploitation."},

        {"question": "What is the right of children to express their views freely in all matters affecting them?",
         "options": ["Freedom of Speech", "Right to Participation", "Right to Expression"],
         "correct_option": "Right to Participation",
         "explanation": "The right to participation ensures that children have the right to express their views in matters concerning them."},

    self.current_question = 0
    self.score = 0


def create_widgets(self):
    self.question_label = tk.Label(self.root, text="", font=("Arial", 14), bg="#ffefd5")  # Set background color

    self.image_label = tk.Label(self.root, image=None, bg="#ffefd5")

    self.option_buttons = []
    for i in range(3):
        button = tk.Button(self.root, text="", font=("Arial", 12), command=lambda i=i: self.check_answer(i), bg="#d4a5a5")  # Set button color

    self.previous_button = tk.Button(self.root, text="Previous", font=("Arial", 12), command=self.previous_question, bg="#a5c4d4")  # Set button color

    self.next_question_button = tk.Button(self.root, text="Next Question", font=("Arial", 12), command=self.next_question, bg="#a5c4d4")  # Set button color


def load_question(self):
    question_info = self.questions[self.current_question]

    if "image_path" in question_info:
        image_path = question_info["image_path"]
        photo = self.load_image(image_path)
        self.image_label.image = photo

    for i in range(3):

def check_answer(self, selected_option):
    question_info = self.questions[self.current_question]
    correct_option = question_info["correct_option"]
    user_answer = question_info["options"][selected_option]

    if user_answer == correct_option:
        self.score += 1
        self.option_buttons[selected_option].config(bg="#7ec8a3")  # Set correct answer button color
        messagebox.showinfo("Correct!", "Fantastic! Your answer is correct.")
        self.option_buttons[selected_option].config(bg="#ff6b6b")  # Set selected answer button color
        correct_option_index = question_info["options"].index(correct_option)
        self.option_buttons[correct_option_index].config(bg="#7ec8a3")  # Set correct answer button color
        explanation = question_info.get("explanation", "No explanation available.")
        messagebox.showerror("Incorrect!", f"Oops! Correct answer is: {correct_option}\n\n{explanation}")

def next_question(self):
    if self.current_question < len(self.questions) - 1:
        self.current_question += 1
        for button in self.option_buttons:
            button.config(bg="#d4a5a5")  # Reset button color

def previous_question(self):
    if self.current_question > 0:
        self.current_question -= 1
        for button in self.option_buttons:
            button.config(bg="#d4a5a5")  # Reset button color

def show_score_card(self):
    self.question_label.config(text=f"Quiz Completed!\nYour Score: {self.score}/{len(self.questions)}", bg="#ffefd5")  # Set background color

    for button in self.option_buttons:


    if self.score == len(self.questions):
        tk.Label(self.root, text="Congratulations! You got all questions right!", font=("Arial", 12), bg="#ffefd5").pack(pady=20)

    tk.Button(self.root, text="Exit", font=("Arial", 12), command=self.root.destroy, bg="#a5c4d4").pack(pady=20)  # Set button color

def load_image(self, path):
    image = tk.PhotoImage(file=path)
    return image

if name == "main": root = tk.Tk() app = ChildRightsQuiz(root) root.mainloop()

shajie720 commented 9 months ago

this file donot have image quiz