mohdshoaib04 / pragmatic_lightning_talks

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Virtual Environment #8

Closed Alfiiya closed 5 years ago

Alfiiya commented 5 years ago


  1. It does not actually install separate copies of python,but it does provide an efficient way to keep different project environment isolated.

INSTALL virtualenv 2.In order to verify if virtualenv is already installed on your system,you need to run the following command on terminal: virtualenv --version 3.In case if it is not installed,there are number of ways you can!

SETUP and USE virtualenv

4.Once virtualenv is installed,you just need to fire up a shell and create your own environment.

Use of virtualenv

virtualenv does not create every file needed to get a whole new python environment.Instead it just uses a link to global environment files instead in order to save disk space and increase speed of virtualenv.


shoaib04 commented 5 years ago

Good for a lightning talk !

Alfiiya commented 5 years ago


mohdshoaib04 commented 5 years ago

Scheduling today !!