mohitparmar1 / Shopy
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Added Payment.jsx & fixed styling issues in cart #235

Closed siddheshhr closed 2 weeks ago

siddheshhr commented 3 weeks ago

Description: ISSUE:#234 Enhancement+Bug I'm excited to add a significant improvement to the user checkout experience: a streamlined multi-page checkout flow with mock payment functionality. This addresses the previous limitation where checkout and payment details were combined on a single page

1.) Key Enhancements:

-Styling issue:Also fixed the styling issue of the select option which was not properly being displayed have fixed the css styling and gave it proper spacing BEFORE

Screenshot 2024-05-31 184256


Screenshot 2024-05-31 190518

2). Benefits:

  1. Enhanced User Experience: Provides a familiar and intuitive multi-page checkout flow, aligning with established best practices (e.g., Amazon).
  2. Improved Code Maintainability: Separates checkout logic into dedicated components, promoting code organization and future feature additions.
  3. Strong Foundation for Future Integration: Lays the groundwork for integrating a real payment gateway when the project progresses.


vercel[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

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Name Status Preview Comments Updated (UTC)
shopy-frontend ✅ Ready (Inspect) Visit Preview 💬 Add feedback May 31, 2024 2:35pm
mohitparmar1 commented 2 weeks ago

resolve conflicts!