mohitparmar1 / Shopy
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🪲[Bug]: design contact page #248

Open Varsani2520 opened 3 weeks ago

Varsani2520 commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the bug Upon visiting the contact page, there is no content or information displayed.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to the website homepage.
  2. Navigate to the navigation menu or footer where the "Contact" link is located.
  3. Click on the "Contact" link.
  4. The resulting page shows no contact information or form.

Expected behavior The contact page should display relevant contact information such as address, phone number, email, and possibly a contact form.


Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. image i can do it like this: image

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

Additional context The absence of a contact page could potentially lead to missed communication opportunities with users or customers. It's crucial to add this page with accurate contact details and possibly a form for inquiries.

github-actions[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

Congratulations, @Varsani2520! 🎉 Thank you for creating your issue. Your contribution is greatly appreciated and we look forward to working with you to resolve the issue. Keep up the great work!

We will promptly review your changes and offer feedback. Keep up the excellent work! Kindly remember to check our contributing guidelines