mohitparmar1 / Shopy
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Carousel on home page #33

Open pradeepSDE opened 1 month ago

pradeepSDE commented 1 month ago

Just a simple image on homepage looks very simple and boring let's put a carousel which will attract users focus towards the diffrent products.

Iam experienced in building such carousels and I want to create one for this site. can you please assign me this issue under gssoc'24 so that I can work on this issue.

pradeepSDE commented 1 month ago

done! @mohitparmar1 PR raised #72

Chelsea67jain commented 1 month ago

The text color on the carousal doesn't match the background image. I can change the dimensions and remove the text from the slick carousal. Screenshot (504)

@mohitparmar1 Can you allocate me this task under GSSoC2024?