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new suggestion for scoring #21

Open mohrm opened 8 years ago

mohrm commented 8 years ago

Why not

This would make point-farming harder and promote stories with more people involved, but not too many...

qznc commented 8 years ago

Rate how quickly one responds. E.g. "median response time of last 10 sentences".

On your ideas:

ratefuchs commented 8 years ago

Giving more points to stories with more participants both means

Punishing users for leaving is not that good of an idea, especially if they can be invited against their will (as of now). You should rather punish users who stall instead of leaving. This can be achieved using qznc's suggestion.

qznc commented 8 years ago

bigger stories are more fun because the context can be lost more easily

That is subjective. I like stories that stay consistent.

Farming points in general is inherently bad. You want to steer people to do certain things. So, the good questions are: "What user behavior do you want to see?" and "How to we encourage users to do it?"

mohrm commented 8 years ago

Punishing users for leaving is not that good of an idea, especially if they can be invited against their will (as of now). You should rather punish users who stall instead of leaving. This can be achieved using qznc's suggestion.

Yeah, you're right. So, forget the punishment for leaving.

qznc commented 8 years ago

Now we have Leseempfehlungen, which we could use for scoring.

mohrm commented 8 years ago

Now we have Leseempfehlungen, which we could use for scoring.

But these are only story-wide, not part-wise. So they would have to apply to all authors. If we could also like individual parts, this could contribute to a score. I also found the idea with the mean response time not bad.

Maybe a combination of the two?

To state it with the philosophy of @qznc: I want my users to often contribute funny story parts.

nomeata commented 8 years ago

Scoring individual sentences effectively breaks the anonymisation, if the user can observe the score changes when he likes a sentence. So if one cares about that (I do not) one has to be careful here.

qznc commented 8 years ago

I want my users to often contribute funny story parts

So we can derive two sub goals:

  1. Identify which parts are funny. Unless we use fancy AI techniques, voting is the only solution? It needs to be per part.
  2. Encourage writers to make more of those. A highscore is possibility. Achievements are another. E.g. "Congratulations! You got 5 "funny" votes."

Should funny parts in not-public stories count?