mohux / react-brackets

Reusable and customizable react brackets component, you can use it to build components such as single elimination, or double elimination brackets
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How to handle odd number of seeds? #5

Closed Tejp98 closed 3 years ago

Tejp98 commented 3 years ago
Screenshot 2021-05-05 at 7 20 14 PM

Can you please provide an approach on how to handle seeds with odd numbers or not in the power of 2? Please refer to the image.

mohux commented 3 years ago

@Tejp98 Hello buddy, You can update to latest version (4.6) which changes renderSeed to a new shape You still can make seed as custom as you want

import { ..., RenderSeedProps } from 'react-brackets';
const RenderSeed = ({ breakpoint, seed, roundIndex, seedIndex }: RenderSeedProps) => {}

Or you can use the current one and you can pass any additional data to the seed object and customize it as you like,

import { Bracket, Seed, SeedItem, SeedTeam, SeedTime } from 'react-brackets';

// You can reshape seed in rounds array and access the object here,
// you can pass index for example in seeds and access it here
const RenderSeed = (seed: any, breakpoint: number) => {
  return (
    <Seed mobileBreakpoint={breakpoint}>
      <SeedItem style={{ width: '100%' }}>
          <SeedTeam>{seed.teams?.[0].name || '-----------'}</SeedTeam>
          <div style={{ height: 1, backgroundColor: '#707070' }}></div>
          <SeedTeam>{seed.teams?.[1]?.name || '-----------'}</SeedTeam>
      <SeedTime mobileBreakpoint={breakpoint} style={{ fontSize: 9 }}>
