Closed P4R4NORM4L closed 3 years ago
Also, why did you not put any other buildings like the assembler for instance?
dur to the number of pipe i add on it i need to remake all recipe one by one with the correct ratio it's planned but i need time like adding other factory building
for now i wait for update 5 to make a new update will i already switch my dev environnement
Oh ok you can't just speed up the regular recipes?
i can but only if the refinery have one pipe input/output to get the regular recipe after that speeding it it's not good due to pipe limitation 600m3/min
I see
but i will add it one by one just be patient ;)
ok no prob was just wondering why there was a constructor but no assembler and the other machines
time time :)
Added all recipe exept altenernate one for now also added assembler and manufacturer
This is great news!
but i will added in update 5
Oh ok when the official update 5 will release, only then will you add them. Sounds good to me.
yep before you cannot launch it without SML and i need to fix belt not working
oh ok cool! French ?
Parfait merci !
vous me direz si j'ai oublier des recettes le mod est a jour pour l'update 5
excepter les alternatives je pense ne pas en avoir oublier
j'ai retirer la dépendance a pipe emulation si vous ne voulez pas perdre vos liquid pensez bien a le reprendre dans votre liste de mod
Parfait merci !
Why do you limit the recipes that can be created in lets say for example the refinery? or all the other factory buildings in this case?