moiri / streamix

Root repository for the Streamix project
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Licenses #10

Open moiri opened 5 years ago

moiri commented 5 years ago

Rethink the licensing of all Streamix projects.

Currently, GPL-v3.0 is used which is too restrictive (and incompatible with some libraries that are used). I would like to allow people to distribute their software under whatever license they wish, however, I would like them to be obligated to report back changes to Streamix code. Thus, MPL-v2.0 seems to be a better fit.

However MPL-v2.0 is not compatible with the igraph library which is distributed under GPL-2.0. GPL-v2.0 requires any Streamix project which makes use of igraph to also be published under GPL-v2.0.

Note that GPL-v3.0, under which Streamix is distributed, is not compatible with GPL-v2.0.

Hence the following licenses should be applied

Luckily, to only project that is used as a library (the RTS) does not depend on igraph. Consequently, any program that links to libsmxrts can be released under any license provided the following conditions are met:

moiri commented 5 years ago