The README correctly shows that when using a block, the cloned object should be checked before performing some custom operation, to see if is is_a? certain type or respond_to? a particular method.
However, I learned that this is because the associated objects being cloned are also passed to this block and it would fail with a missing method error if the cloned associated object has no such method.
Could you add a note to the corresponding section so that this comes as less of a surprise?
The README correctly shows that when using a block, the cloned object should be checked before performing some custom operation, to see if is is_a? certain type or respond_to? a particular method.
However, I learned that this is because the associated objects being cloned are also passed to this block and it would fail with a missing method error if the cloned associated object has no such method.
Could you add a note to the corresponding section so that this comes as less of a surprise?
Thanks in advance.