moj-analytical-services / s3tools

Interact with files in s3 on the Analytical Platform
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Credentials error - SignatureDoesNotMatch #49

Open davidread opened 4 years ago

davidread commented 4 years ago

I'm getting an error when writing a dataframe to S3:

write_df_to_csv_in_s3(employ_data, s3_path = "alpha-mra-consultation/redis_data_backup.csv", overwrite = TRUE )
List of 10
 $ Code                 : chr "SignatureDoesNotMatch"
 $ Message              : chr "The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your key and signing method."

I've tried s3tools::get_credentials() first, but it didn't fix the problem

davidread commented 4 years ago

Workaround from another user:

There are a small number of people who experience this problem when they try to write to S3 due to issues in aws.s3. I have re-written the write function but I have not had time to integrate them properly into the package yet:

write_df_to_csv_in_s3_amended <- function(df, s3_path, overwrite=FALSE, multipart=TRUE, ...) {
  # write to an in-memory raw connection
  rc <- rawConnection(raw(0), "r+")
  write.csv(df, rc, ...)

  # upload the object to S3
  # credentials <- suppressMessages(get_credentials())
  # suppressMessages(refresh(credentials))

  p <- separate_bucket_path(s3_path)

  if (overwrite || !(s3_file_exists(s3_path))) {
    rcv <- rawConnectionValue(rc)
    return(aws.s3::put_object(file = rcv,
                              bucket = p$bucket,
                              object = p$object))
  } else {
    stop("File already exists and you haven't set overwrite = TRUE, stopping")

  # close the connection



r-mccormack commented 4 years ago

Equivalent function for general files:

write_file_to_s3_amended <- function(local_file_path, s3_path, overwrite=FALSE, multipart=TRUE) {

p <- separate_bucket_path(s3_path)

  if (overwrite || !(s3_file_exists(s3_path))) {

    return(aws.s3::put_object(file = local_file_path,
                              bucket = p$bucket,
                              object = p$object))
  } else {
    stop("File already exists and you haven't set overwrite = TRUE, stopping")


separate_bucket_path <- function(path) {

  if (substring(path, 1, 1) == "/") {
    path <- substring(path, 2)

  parts <- strsplit(path, "/")[[1]]
  bucket <- parts[1]
  otherparts <- parts[2:length(parts)]
  object <-  paste(otherparts, collapse="/")
  list("object" = object, "bucket" = bucket )

s3_file_exists <- function(s3_path) {
  p <- separate_bucket_path(s3_path)
  objs <- aws.s3::get_bucket(p$bucket, prefix = p$object, check_region=TRUE)