There's a few examples of this starting to appear, e.g. on Explore education statistics we add a line about OSR and also links to various pages from the footer.
We can use the govuk-footer__inline-list class for this, and should make sure to give the option for a visually hidden heading that screen readers can use to navigate to these.
When we do this change, we should also add .noWS = "after" to the a tag for Open Government Licence as you can now remove the excess whitespace it adds pretty easily.
Example of current footer with whitespace is visible on the README
There's a few examples of this starting to appear, e.g. on Explore education statistics we add a line about OSR and also links to various pages from the footer.
The UKHSA dashboard also does the same.
We can use the govuk-footer__inline-list class for this, and should make sure to give the option for a visually hidden heading that screen readers can use to navigate to these.
When we do this change, we should also add
.noWS = "after"
to the a tag for Open Government Licence as you can now remove the excess whitespace it adds pretty easily.Example of current footer with whitespace is visible on the README