moj-analytical-services / xltabr

xltabr: An R package for writing formatted cross tabulations (contingency tables) to Excel using openxlsx
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Styles do not read in correctly in certain circumstances #88

Closed RobinL closed 7 years ago

RobinL commented 7 years ago

This file doesn't work:

Reproduce the problem with this code:


path <- system.file("extdata", "synthetic_data.csv", package="xltabr")

df <- read.csv(path, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
ct <- reshape2::dcast(df, drive + age  ~ type, value.var= "value", margins=c("drive", "age"), fun.aggregate = sum)

ct <- dplyr::arrange(ct, -row_number())

titles = c("Breakdown of car statistics", "Cross tabulation of drive and age against type*")
footers = "*age as of January 2015"
tab <- xltabr::auto_crosstab_to_wb(ct, titles = titles, footers = footers, return_tab = TRUE)


RobinL commented 7 years ago

Because a list can be accessed by number or by index, this overwrites a style if value is a number

So for instance, if a cell anywhere has the number 3 in it, and the 3rd item in the list is title, then the title will be overwritten

RobinL commented 7 years ago

Note the underlying problem was essentialy this

> a <- list()
> a[[1]] <- 100
> a[["1"]] <- 20
> a
[1] 100

[1] 20

> a <- list()
> a[["1"]] <- 20
> a[[1]] <- 100
> a
[1] 100
RobinL commented 7 years ago

Closed by #89