mojaie / MolecularGraph.jl

Graph-based molecule modeling toolkit for cheminformatics
MIT License
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Re-design of MCS calculation functions #57

Closed mojaie closed 3 years ago

mojaie commented 3 years ago

mcismol, mcesmol methods would be integreted to the maxcommonsubstruct function that returns MCSresult object

Main method

maxcommonsubstruct(mol1, mol2, matchtype=:edgeinduced; kwargs...) -> MCSresult


Keyword arguments:

Result type

MCSresult would have a mapping between these molecular graphs and information how the calculation finished (:done, :timeout, :targetreached, etc.)

Convenient methods

There would be some convenient methods. The compatibility with version <=0.9 is as follows

mojaie commented 3 years ago

Redesign MCS methods: 6d0606c Use BitSet to improve MCS performance: d0d1107 fix MCS tests: ad34479 MCS result container type: bada8e0

MCS methods now returns MaxCommonSubgraphResult that have node (or edge if MCES) mappings and status (:done, :timeout, etc.) as fields. Tutorials would be updated soon.