mojaloop / design-authority-project

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Architecture , Design and strategy questions regarding performance . scalability and cost #108

Open tdaly61 opened 9 months ago

tdaly61 commented 9 months ago

Request Summary:

Not precisely sure how to word this one so please bear with me .... Does the DA have an interest / responsibility with respect to performance of Mojaloop , scalability and cost of Mojaloop if so can we (the DA) discuss the following questions with James as workstream lead for Performance characterisation

Request Details:

To introduce the topic please see the discussion below from slack (again moved here so it does not get lost) @James Bush hey I am looking at the work being done on performance and I see it is being done without kubernetes and it is using k6 for load generation. During the breakout session at the last Mojaloop meeting I distinctly remember a number of things being discussed and I wonder if you can give some context as to what is still happening/planned. we discussed jMeter for load generation : how come k6 is being used , does it have benefits for the community vrs JMeter ? strong agreement that the perf harness would be developed to work across vNow and vNext. Is this still the case , reason for asking is that the readme in the ml-core-test-harness repo says "no kubernetes needed" we discussed being able to create metrics from the perf testing that reported or enabled measurement of cost/transaction but if we can't (easily) run the workload against Mojaloop in kubernetes (mini-loop or EKS etc) then how can we even begin to estimate cost/transaction ? still on the same "no kubernetes" point , how do do scale out measurements and architecture experiments. overall is there a plan to be able to test what we deploy ? Maybe it is just that "we are not there yet" , and I do recongnise that what is there is nicely packaged and simple and has some important utility but concerned that not testing what we deploy always runs significant risks and of course wondering how this applies to a deployed Mojaloop vNext deployment

**Artifacts**: - [ ] Artifact to consider [@Contributor] **Dependencies**: - [ ] If Applicable ### **Accountability**: - **Owner:** - **Raised By:** ## **Decision(s)**: - **Approved By:** ### Details - [ ] Actual decision made as a result of discussion ## **Follow-up**: - [ ] Actions to implement the decisions