mojaloop / fraud_risk_management

Central repo for fraud and risk management development and specifications
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Add TMS service #165

Closed aaronreynoza closed 3 years ago

aaronreynoza commented 3 years ago

This service exposes a template API that uses Swagger to validate the body of the request to be compatible with our Transaction standard into /monitor/transaction

  "TransactionID": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000",
  "ILPSourceAccountAddress": "Bank1.MSISDN.2507122015",
  "ILPDestinationAccountAddress": "Bank2.MSISDN.25094672092",
  "PayerContactNo": "2507122015",
  "PayeeContactNo": "25094672092",
  "Amount": "250.40",
  "Fee": "250.40",
  "Payer": {
    "PartyIDType": "string",
    "PersonalIdentifierType": "string",
    "PartyID": "string",
    "PartyName": "string"
  "Payee": {
    "PartyName": "string"
  "SourceAccountBalance": "5000.30",
  "SourceAccountTransactionLimit": "500",
  "SourceAccountDailyLimit": "1500",
  "SourceAccountPINDate": "10/10/2010",
  "PayerDeviceIMEI": "19283747590379",
  "PayerICCID": "39iejdi3948",
  "Location": "Ghana",
  "Transaction": {
    "AuthenticationType": "string"
  "TransactionType": {
    "TransactionScenario": "string",
    "TransactionInitiator": "string",
    "TransactionInitiatorType": "string"

You can also watch the swagger spec on /swagger