mojaloop / fraud_risk_management

Central repo for fraud and risk management development and specifications
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[USER STORY] CMS - Cancel a case #59

Open JustusOrtlepp opened 4 years ago

JustusOrtlepp commented 4 years ago

Story Title

As a Fraud Analyst, I want to request for a case to be cancelled, so that ...

Acceptance criteria

  1. Given (context) and (more context) when (event) then (outcome) and (another outcome)...
JustusOrtlepp commented 4 years ago

This is a placeholder story to account for the cancellation of a case, though it is preferable that a case is always properly closed instead. If the cancellation of a case is required for some reason, the reason can be recorded during the case closing. If an appropriate reason for the cancellation of a case is provided, this user story will be prioritised accordingly.