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Participant related API collection #3720

Open ei-nghon-phoo opened 8 months ago

ei-nghon-phoo commented 8 months ago

User Story: As a QA engineer, I want access to an API collection containing participant-related endpoints so that I can test validation and API-level testing.

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. To generate an API collection that includes the following endpoints:

    • All APIs related to participants available for testing purposes.
      • Participant API with both GET and POST methods.
      • NDC (National Data Center) change-related APIs.
      • APIs related to source IP information.
      • APIs providing access to contact information.
      • APIs facilitating fund withdrawal and deposit operations.
  2. The API collection should be made available to QA in a format compatible with common testing tools (e.g., Postman, Swagger).

  3. The API endpoints should return appropriate error responses for various scenarios, enabling thorough negative testing.

  4. The API collection should be accompanied by any necessary test data or prerequisites required for effective testing.

ei-nghon-phoo commented 8 months ago

The API collection should be well-documented, specifying the expected input parameters, response formats, and any authentication requirements. ( this acceptance criteria will be carried out by BAs.

habibur4340 commented 7 months ago

Hey @einghon-phoo I've reviewed the requirement for an API collection tailored for participant-related endpoints. This collection will significantly enhance our validation and API-level testing capabilities. Here's a quick outline to ensure we're on the right track:

Endpoints Inclusion: All APIs related to participants, including GET and POST methods for the Participant API, NDC change-related APIs, source IP information, contact access, and fund transaction operations.

Compatibility: The collection should be formatted for compatibility with popular tools like Postman and Swagger, ensuring smooth integration into our existing testing workflows.

Error Handling: It's vital that these APIs are configured to return appropriate error responses for a variety of scenarios. This will enable comprehensive negative testing, a key aspect of our QA process.

Supporting Data: Providing necessary test data and prerequisites alongside the API collection will be crucial for effective testing.

In addition to these points, I recommend considering Apidog for this task. Apidog offers a user-friendly platform that simplifies the creation, testing, and management of API collections. Its compatibility with standard testing tools and ability to handle various endpoint requirements make it an ideal choice for our needs.