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[sdk-standard-components][sdk-scheme-adapter] Investigate http config for mTLS performance improvements and http2 library migration and benefits. #3809

Open kleyow opened 3 months ago

kleyow commented 3 months ago


As a fsp

I want to be able to perform a many concurrent transfers in mojaloop

so that I can meet operational targets.

From characterizing the overhead of enabled jws and mtls on the sdk in story

We found that the performance overhead was quite substantial with the max ops/s of 278 ops/s goes down to 40 ops/s with security turned on. We believe the signing and cryptography of mTLS is the main impacter of the performance.

We would like to launch an investigation into the node js http library if there are any benefitial configurations that could improve the performance and gauge how much work it would be to migrate the http library to the http2 library.

Acceptance Criteria:

Complexity: <High|Medium|Low> > A short comment to remind the reason for the rating

Uncertainty: <High|Medium|Low> > A short comment to remind the reason for the rating



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