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List Change Event histories in descending date/time order; most recent event first (at the top) #3928

Open PaulMakinMojaloop opened 1 month ago

PaulMakinMojaloop commented 1 month ago

As a Hub Operator,

When I see a list of change events, or a list of approval requests

I want to see them in descending date/time order; most recent at the top of the list.

PaulMakinMojaloop commented 1 month ago

One example: currently on the http://vnextadmin.local/participants/, under the "Accounts" tab, the Account Change Requests (at the bottom of the page) lists the account change history in ascending order - oldest change first, with any new "checker"/authorisation items at the bottom of the list.Screenshot 2024-05-23 at 17.04.01.png

This is not helpful once there are a large number of changes. Even in testing, this has meant scrolling to the bottom of a long list to approve a request, including fund deposits, which will happen frequently in an operational system.

Please reverse this ordering, so that the newest is at the top of the list.

This same change should be applied to all other tabs:

I'm pleased to say the the "Change Log" tab already has this ordering, so no change is required.

PaulMakinMojaloop commented 1 week ago

This applies to: Hub >> Accounts>>Account Change Requests (as above)

Participants >> Participant List >> Participants

Participants >> Participant List >>Participant>> Accounts>>Account Change Requests

Participants >> Participant List >> Participant>> Fund Movements

Participants >> Participant List >> Participant>> NDC Change Requests

Participants >> Participant List >> Participant>> Source IP Change Requests

Participants >> Participant List >> Participant>> Certificates Approval Requests

Participants >> Participant List >> Participant>> Contact Information Change Requests

Participants >> Participant List >> Participant>> Participant Status Change Requests

Participants >> Pending Approval Requests >> NDC (order appears random)

Reports >>DFSP Settlement Statement Report