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Helm - Configurable config maps for mojaloop services #3936

Closed vijayg10 closed 3 weeks ago

vijayg10 commented 3 weeks ago


As a mojaloop comunity member deploying mojaloop helm release in a variety of ways I want to be able to customise the configuratiton so that fine tune and optimise the configuration for each environment

Problem: Currently we can not change all the values in the config maps (ex: default.json) through helm values overrides. We can only change the configuration parameters those are exposed. In charts repository we implemented a way to specify the entire config map as a parameter so that we can override any value.

Solution: @kalinkrustev suggested a solution by having a configurable parameter in the mojaloop values file like configOverride where we can specify only needed configuration (Part of the default.json) which will be merged to the default configuration by the rc module.

Acceptance Criteria:

chris-me-law commented 3 weeks ago

@vijayg10 Refactor story to match