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Unquoted %JAVACMD% in Windows script crashes at runtime if %JAVACMD% contains whitespaces #114

Open sebjulliand opened 3 years ago

sebjulliand commented 3 years ago

Here in the Windows script, %JAVACMD% is unquoted:

%JAVACMD% %JAVA_OPTS%  -classpath %CLASSPATH%"skipper" -Dapp.repo="%REPO%" -Dapp.home="%BASEDIR%" -Dbasedir="%BASEDIR%" com.arcadsoftware.skipper.cli.SkipperCLI %CMD_LINE_ARGS%
if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 goto error
goto end

It causes the script to crash if %JAVACMD% contains whitespaces. E.g.: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk8u252-b09\bin\java.exe