mojohaus / jaxb2-maven-plugin

JAXB2 Maven Plugin
Apache License 2.0
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Problems with building a vean using an schema element conaining a dash (-) #45

Closed frank-burgos closed 8 years ago

frank-burgos commented 8 years ago

I have a schema (XSD) that I'm using within a Spring WS Maven build that is using version 1.6 jaxb2-maven-plugin (XJC) . The schema element is as follows:

I expected the dash to be dropped in the created java bean but I'm not sure whet the created java bean was named with a capital B. I'm not sure if this is the expected behavior whenever a dash is include in a schema element. I can supply additional files if needed. I hope this is the correct path needed to resolve this type of issue.
lennartj commented 8 years ago

I think your schema element information fell off when you entered it into the issue. Could you possibly re-enter it - and inside an "insert-code" element - so I can see it?