When using the plugin building libraries that depend on other libraries, the plugin does not find transitive inczip files.
I believe that is because the NativeUnZipIncMojo.getIncZipDependencies() method calls getDependencyArtifacts() on the Maven project. That method returns direct dependencies. I believe it should call getArtifacts(), which also returns transitive dependencies, instead.
I have not had time to test my theory. I will be doing that soon.
I really appreciate this plugin. It is making my life much better doing C++ builds.
When using the plugin building libraries that depend on other libraries, the plugin does not find transitive inczip files.
I believe that is because the NativeUnZipIncMojo.getIncZipDependencies() method calls getDependencyArtifacts() on the Maven project. That method returns direct dependencies. I believe it should call getArtifacts(), which also returns transitive dependencies, instead.
I have not had time to test my theory. I will be doing that soon.
I really appreciate this plugin. It is making my life much better doing C++ builds.