mojohaus / rpm-maven-plugin
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rpm signing broken on osx #11

Open nik9000 opened 9 years ago

nik9000 commented 9 years ago

The rest of the rpm build process works very well on osx with rpm installed using homebrew but the signing process is broken because expect is different. Compare:

centos-7:~$ echo puts "foo" | expect -c 'sleep 1' -
osx:~$ echo puts "foo" | expect -c 'sleep 1' -

The issue here is that - doesn't seem to have its traditional "read the from stdin" meaning on OSX when used here. I don't have any clue why. What about moving that sleep into the script itself?

I also noticed while debugging this that the way that some errors weren't being propagated through expect because, I have no idea. Maybe its OSX again. I can't tell. Anyway, all the error handling out with

expect default {"
  lassign [wait] pid spawnid spawnCode value
  if {$spawnCode==0} {exit $value} else {exit -$value}

So far as I can tell expect default causes expect to wait for rpm to respond after the last message and then lassign [wait] waits for rpm to finish and sets a bunch of variables. the if bit exits expect with the same return code the rpm used or some negative return code if something went more horribly wrong.

nik9000 commented 9 years ago

Ok - I was too positive when I said that RPM signing worked on OSX "well". It works, but the rpm the comes with homebrew needs a tweak:

cat ~/.rpmmacros 
%__gpg_check_password_cmd       %{__gpg} \
        gpg --homedir %{_gpg_path} --batch --no-verbose --passphrase-fd 3 -u %{_gpg_name} -so -
__gpg_sign_cmd                 %{__gpg} \
        gpg --homedir %{_gpg_path} --batch --no-verbose --no-armor --passphrase-fd 3 --no-secmem-warning \
        -u %{_gpg_name} -sbo %{__signature_filename} %{__plaintext_filename}

It tries to quote some thing that gpg doesn't want quoted.

beebs-systap commented 8 years ago
