mojohaus / rpm-maven-plugin
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Can not uninstall the rpm software through “rpm -e” #123

Open xiaocw opened 3 years ago

xiaocw commented 3 years ago

I used rpm-maven-plugin to package a springboot applicaiton to rpm, and I use 'rpm -ivh xxxx.rpm' successfully installed it. but I can not uninstall it by using 'rpm -e ', after I completed execute uninstall command, it also exsisted by using rpm -qa |grep xxx below is my config:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

<description>Demo project for Spring Boot, package by rpm</description>




<!--rpm打包: mvn clean package -Dmaven.test.skip -Prpm-->
                            <script>echo "installing ${} now"</script>
                                sed -i 's$XXX$${rpm.install.path}/${project.artifactId}/${project.artifactId}.jar$g' ${rpm.install.path}/${project.artifactId}/bin/;
                                ps -ef |grep ${project.artifactId} |grep -v grep|awk '{print "kill -9 " $2}'| sh;