mojohaus / rpm-maven-plugin
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Plugin Missing #132

Closed gunslingor closed 3 years ago

gunslingor commented 3 years ago

I spent many days trying to figure out why this is red. I think in the end, it appears to be because I am developing on windows and building on linux; while this plugin is intended to build RPMs only on linux so it is failing downloading the maven dependencies on windows or something.


It's all extremely confusing, I just noticed that when I do mvn clean install from WSL2 instead of windows it gets a lot further but still fails. I also notice that when I start typing in maven Intellij does see the package but ends up refusing to recogize it... i.e. code suggestion sees it, but once type it doesn't like it.

I don't really understand what is happening here and forums were of little help... can you assist?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""




            <name>Central Repository</name>

khmarbaise commented 3 years ago

The red marking is IDEA IntelliJ Is a bug in IntelliJ this is not limited to Windows also on MacOS (as myself) etc...