mojohaus / rpm-maven-plugin
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Jenkins can't execute RPM goals #29

Open adammuller opened 8 years ago

adammuller commented 8 years ago


I am trying to execute your plugin in my Jenkins server. There is a option where I can set goals up and I have written the next command line in my Jenkins configuration [Build -> Goals and options]:

rpm:rpm -group "Development/Tools" -name "example" -projversion "1" -releaseProperty "1" -versionProperty "1"

The error I am getting back is:

Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:rpm-maven-plugin:2.1.4:rpm (default-cli) on project myProject: The parameters 'group' for goal org.codehaus.mojo:rpm-maven-plugin:2.1.4:rpm are missing or invalid ->


Could You help me? I am not sure if those parameters (group, name, projversion...) should be written in that textbox or in my pom.xml.

Thank you

dantran commented 8 years ago

@adammuller I would not build rpm this way, try to configure the pom to do it for you. There are plenty of example for src/IT. You may as well post this question to maven user group where you will get more help

adammuller commented 8 years ago

Hello @dantran thanks for your answer. I have this POM.xml


Is this goal good enough to create the RPM? Where should I write the parameters? Could You provide me a link where I can find an example?

Thank you, Adam.

ZahediAquino commented 7 years ago

@adammuller did you ever get your project to build the rpm? or did you find an example?

jakub-bochenski commented 7 years ago

@dantran I think this issue should be closed as "not a defect". Clearily the orignal problem is caused by passing -group instead of -Dgroup etc.