mojohaus / rpm-maven-plugin
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Cannot exclude a certain directory entries. #45

Open aonishuk opened 8 years ago

aonishuk commented 8 years ago

I want to exclude specific directories from being included to rpm like /usr/sbin, /usr/lib, /etc/init.d, /var/lib, /var/log, /var (not it's contents though) this is critical since centos7 won't let you install rpm without doing that. Also I don't want to exclude other directories which are specific to my project (critical for empty dirs). So directoryIncluded=false works bad for me.

Excluding directories with seems not working. Once I add something to exclude it just stops listing directories at all

Here is my definition:

            <!-- unbinds rpm creation from maven lifecycle -->
          <copyright>2012, Apache Software Foundation</copyright>
          <description>Maven Recipe: RPM Package.</description>


Here is the rpm files list I get:


This results in problems while installing the package on centos7:

Transaction check error:
  file /usr/lib from install of ambari-server- conflicts with file from package filesystem-3.2-18.el7.x86_64
  file /usr/sbin from install of ambari-server- conflicts with file from package filesystem-3.2-18.el7.x86_64
aonishuk commented 8 years ago

Also I wonder if there's any workaround for this issue, which I can implement in the project not waiting for the rpm-maven-plugin where this is fixed?

dantran commented 8 years ago

2 suggestions:


          <noDefaultExcludes>true</noDefaultExcludes> <!--add this, not sure it would work -->

or split into multiple mappings, each has its own directory ( ie /etc/initd, /use/lib/xxxxx, /etc/init/xxxx, etc )

aonishuk commented 8 years ago

Thanks for quick response dantran.

  1. noDefaultExcludes doesn't work unfortunely.
  2. While splitting works fine, but it is a bit ugly, since mapping have to be duplicated to multiple modules (still the only working way to do fix the issue).

Also I noticed that from the spec point of view this should be as simple as adding:

%exclude /etc
%exclude /etc/init.d

in the %files section.

I wonder If there is any way I can do that for rpm maven plugin?

dantran commented 8 years ago
  1. what kind of error do you see?
  2. I am not familiar of maven to %exclude mapping ( may be there is none), need PR :)

I would suggest dont put high hope into this plugin to do complex mappings :-)

foxpluto commented 5 years ago


two year are passed since the submission of this problem and I have fallen in the same issue.

I can't understand the "splitting" suggestion read before.

Is there any valuable way to avoid this problem?

Regards, S.

foxpluto commented 5 years ago


I have tried the


and it actually worked! So now is possible to exclude some directory creation from rpm ?

Regards, S.

dantran commented 5 years ago

like 2-year-old suggestion. I no longer try to do complex mapping at rpm-m-p configuration. The simplest is to stage as much as you can under a dir under 'target' and push all into rpm-m-p in one shot

foxpluto commented 5 years ago


I am not an expert of rpm and maven, I still don't understand. let me explain, I would like to build a rpm for installing these files:


All the files but the last one are in new directory, the last one (/usr/lib/systemd/system/csvconverter.service) is in a system directory that my rpm doesn't have to create.

Which is your suggestion to achieve such a goal?

I have written a pom like this:

        <packager>Stefano Bossi</packager>
            <require>jre &gt; 1.8</require>

Do you think this could work?

Regards, S.

dantran commented 5 years ago

looks reasonable. you can also use rpm:unpack validate

foxpluto commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion.

unfortunately running the installation of the package with rpm -vvvi to debug the steps rpm decide to take, I have:

D: ========== Directories not explicitly included in package:
D:          0 /etc/csvconverter/
D:          1 /urs/share/csvconverter/lib/
D:          2 /usr/lib/systemd/system/
D: ==========

Which is wrong, the expected is that only the /usr/lib/systemd/system/ should appear there because is the only one where I have used <directoryIncluded>false</directoryIncluded>.

Is this a bug? Any suggestion to fix the problem?

Thanks, S.

dantran commented 5 years ago

try this

foxpluto commented 5 years ago

After a lot of tries I finally found a configuration which works for my rpm:

          <packager>Stefano Bossi</packager>
            <require>jre &gt; 1.8</require>

Hope this could help other guys using this plugin.

Regards, S.