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depManagement from parent should be used with processDependencyManagementTransitive=false #1004

Open slawekjaranowski opened 9 months ago

slawekjaranowski commented 9 months ago

When we set processDependencyManagementTransitive=false dependencyManagement from parent should be still used.

eg. We have a IT - it-dependency-updates-aggregate-report-issue-333 which will fail with processDependencyManagementTransitive=false

According to documentation:

Whether to process the dependencyManagement part transitive or not. 
In case of <type>pom</type>and <scope>import</scope> ...

I understood that only items imported by pom are skipped ... not everything from parent pom.

First we need agree what this options means and next check if implementation meet requirements.

jarmoniuk commented 9 months ago

The documentation is wrong.

If I didn't take the documentation of the parameter into account, it would look OK to me:

The dependencyManagement item missing from the aggregate report with processDependencyManagementTransitive=false is dummy-lib:2.0.0, which is a transitive dependencyManagement item from the parent of pom.xml -- see

When debugging, I see that the functional difference is that with processDependencyManagementTransitive=false, we're taking dependency management items from the original model whereas with the parameter set to true, from the interpolated model. The latter will contain all transitive dependencies, not just with scope pom or import.

I don't see any reflection of the original documentation in the plugin code. I suggest that we change the docs to read that the option disables reporting on transitive dependency management, ie taken from parent or dependencies with scope import.