mojohaus / versions

Versions Maven Plugin
Apache License 2.0
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New goals: "versions:update-dependency" and "versions:set-property" #39

Closed romani closed 8 years ago

romani commented 8 years ago

It would be so useful to have a ready to use command line way to update some dependency artifact version in pom.xml to version specified in argument.

Example of command: mvn versions:update-dependency -Dartifact="" -DnewVersion="6.12.1" and it will update version in target pom.xml from any current to "6.12.1"

mvn versions:set-property -Dproperty="orekit.checkstyle.version" -DnewValue="6.12.1" and it will update value of property in target pom.xml from any current to "6.12.1"

Use case: we need to update version of certain dependency from old to current SNAPSHOT to make a integration testing.

Right now we use magic of "sed" and other utils.

mgreau commented 8 years ago


kkyriakidis commented 8 years ago

Same problem here. I need to change the versions of the project dependencies back to SNAPSHOT

pbromley commented 8 years ago

+1 Looks like this pull request does what we want -

khmarbaise commented 8 years ago

Done with #18

oreporan commented 7 years ago

Made a pull request to solve the versions:set-property issue