mojolicious / minion

:octopus: Perl high performance job queue
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[Feature Request] Include Test::Minion subclass/role of Test::Mojo #95

Open kiwiroy opened 4 years ago

kiwiroy commented 4 years ago

It would be nice to have a Test::Minion module to use with apps that plugin Minion => {};.

Something to simplify enqueuing, performing and testing of tasks. I started a branch and was thinking something like

$t = Test::Minion->new;
  ->task_is(add => [1, 1], 2, $desc)
  ->task_is(convert => ['image.jpg'], 'image.png', $desc)
kraih commented 4 years ago

Interesting idea, perform_jobs should probably be perform_jobs_ok.

kraih commented 4 years ago

And i wouldn't mind shipping a role with Minion either.

my $t = Test::Mojo->new(...)->with_roles('+Minion');
kraih commented 4 years ago

But i do think this is currently blocked by Test::Mojo::_test being a private API. We'll have to figure out a better alternative for that in Mojolicious first.

kiwiroy commented 4 years ago

Yeah, I missed the perform_jobs_ok - that's kinda obvious now. There's also missing increments of $Test::Builder::Level. Shipping Test::Minion means depending Role::Tiny.

kraih commented 4 years ago

And task_is looks more like it should be enqueue_ok.

rabbiveesh commented 4 years ago

while you're at it, you probably want to be able to assert things against the result of the job. Sometimes you're testing that it fails, sometimes that it succeeded, etc.

kraih commented 4 years ago

Test::Mojo has been updated to make this easier.

kiwiroy commented 4 years ago

Good work on Test::Mojo. I've updated the branch. Waiting on release before PR.

@rabbiveesh enqueue_ok requires a result or subtest block that will be tested by perform_jobs_ok. The subtest can test any state of $job not just $job->info->{result}. Additionally, job_is can do the same for any children (jobs enqueued by others).

kraih commented 4 years ago

@kiwiroy Please be aware that your branch will need a lot of cleaning up before it can be considered.

kraih commented 3 years ago

I'm starting to believe that this might not be such a good idea after all. This definitely should be prototyped as a module on CPAN (just leave the Test::Minion namespace for core Minion use).