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Nested lists responsiveness, plus random fixes #18

Closed smonff closed 3 years ago

smonff commented 3 years ago

Since the namespaces can't be wrapped and looks dirty when line-breaked in lists, I decided to try this using a CSS only solution based on media-queries:

Note that I didn't test that on an Apple device. I only used an Android device and on Firefox / Chrome devices simulators that are obviously useless.

I fixed two issues in the <head>

smonff commented 3 years ago

Should fix some of the #17 issues after first deployment.

smonff commented 3 years ago

Here are some screenshots of the main problematic place:

image (this is the Firefox simulator)

image (taken from a Samsung Android thing)

smonff commented 3 years ago

More screenshotting.


kraih commented 3 years ago

Wish you had made a separate PR for the typo fix, then i could have applied it right away. (patched it myself now)

kraih commented 3 years ago

This PR seems outdated now. Thanks for your contributions.