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Could you release Mojolicious::Plugin::Mojodocs with another license? #25

Open ldidry opened 3 years ago

ldidry commented 3 years ago

Mojolicious::Plugin::Mojodocs has a clean and modern UI and I would like to use it to provide documentation in my app.

I know that plugins already exist, like Mojolicious::Plugin::DOCRenderer and Mojolicious::Plugin::PODViewer but they are not as polished as Mojolicious::Plugin::Mojodocs.

Unfortunately, the CC-NC-ND license (especially ND) does not allow me to make the changes I need (like removing the Mojolicious version on top of the sidebar since it would not be pertinent in my case). And for the NC, I don’t know if my app won’t be used in a commercial context, so it would not fit either.

Solutions that I see:

Would you be ok?

kraih commented 3 years ago

The problem is we don't have a trademark on Mojolicious. And i don't want hacked up copies of the Mojolicious site deployed by people that make us look bad. You know, that keep the branding but change random stuff to make the design ugly or use it with content that has absolutely nothing to do with Mojolicious. This actually happened in the past. Other than using a restrictive license there is unfortunately not much else i can do.

kraih commented 3 years ago

Aside from the whole branding issue i'd be happy to share the design with other Perl projects. Just like the previous design that is now used by

kraih commented 3 years ago

I've been trying to push TPF to help us with the trademark, but there's not been much progress unfortunately.

ldidry commented 3 years ago

The unbranded design would be great.

Here’s a screenshot of what I did before opening this issue, because even if it was CC-NC-ND, I wanted to use it at least while developing, since it’s a clean way to go through my POD: Screenshot_2021-03-18 Slidewalker Model — Abstract module for DB abstraction layer

I already removed the brand, since my project is not binded to Mojolicious :slightly_smiling_face: