mojombo / clippy

Clippy is a very simple Flash widget that makes it possible to place arbitrary text onto the client's clipboard.
MIT License
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Clippy cannot copy + signs #4

Closed lpgauth closed 2 years ago

lpgauth commented 14 years ago

It seems that Clippy is unable to copy + signs.

To reproduce, using the rails helper, use the code bellow: <%=h clippy("+++").html_safe %>

lpgauth commented 14 years ago

<%=h clippy(CGI.escape("+++")) %> works.

ericabouaf commented 14 years ago

Same thing for '&' Maybe put in the README that if it is used for a URL, you need to encode it

annie-l commented 13 years ago

You can also replace the + in JS to encode it:

myString.replace("+", "%2B");