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Creating RDD post its own repository #27

Open rbecheras opened 6 years ago

rbecheras commented 6 years ago

Hi Tom,

I just read (and loved!) your post called « Readme Driven Development ».

I think that creating a very own github repository and github page for this post would be a great thing!

I think that repository should ask for:

I think it would be also good to create a dedicated organization for that repository.

Thus this could be:

I think this repository should start with a clean readme file ;-)

The following directories and their contents are Copyright Tom Preston-Werner. You may not reuse anything therein without my permission:

_posts/ images/

All other directories and files are MIT Licensed. Feel free to use the HTML and CSS as you please. If you do use them, a link back to would be appreciated, but is not required.

I suggest myself to start this work if you agree that. I would already started it if the posts folder in your repository would be MIT like the rest folders.

Of course, credits will be yours!

What do you think about it ?