moka-guys / moka-fe

This repo is incomplete and serves as a backup of some code from Moka. It includes some legac(hitt)y code.
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Ucsc clin gen dosage #652

Closed Graeme-Smith closed 3 years ago

Graeme-Smith commented 3 years ago

This change is Reviewable

Graeme-Smith commented 3 years ago

This pull request adds three changes:

Graeme-Smith commented 3 years ago

forms/s09_OligoPreliminaryResults, line 129 at r2 (raw file):

Previously, aledj2 (Aled Jones) wrote…
> ``` > ''vanity link > Private Sub Size19_DblClick(Cancel As Integer) > Dim url As String > url = "" + CStr(Me.Start19 - 500000) + ";stop=" + CStr(Me.Stop19 + 500000) + ";ref=chr" + Me![ChrID19].Column(1) + "" > 'url = "" + CStr(Me.Start19 - 500000) + ";stop=" + CStr(Me.Stop19 + 500000) + ";ref=chr" + Me![ChrID19].Column(1) + ";h_region=chr" + Me![ChrID19].Column(1) + ":" + CStr(Me.Start19) + ".." + CStr(Me.Stop19) + "" > 'url = "" + CStr(Me.Start19 - 500000) + ";stop=" + CStr(Me.Stop19 + 500000) + ";ref=chr" + Me![ChrID19].Column(1) + ";h_region=chr" + Me![ChrID19].Column(1) + ":" + CStr(Me.Start19) + ".." + CStr(Me.Stop19) + "width=760;version=;label=chromosome%3Aoverview-cytoband-RefGene-disease_gene-Decipher_Syndromes-NON_BAC_Variation;grid=on" > chromeurl url > End Sub > ``` deleted?

These appear to have been deleted during an earlier edit which removed any commented out non-functional code.

Graeme-Smith commented 3 years ago

forms/s09_OligoPreliminaryResults, line 135 at r2 (raw file):

Previously, aledj2 (Aled Jones) wrote…
> ``` > Private Sub Size_DblClick(Cancel As Integer) > Dim url As String > url = "" + CStr(Me.Start - 500000) + ";stop=" + CStr(Me.Stop + 500000) + ";ref=chr" + Me![ChrID].Column(1) + ";h_region=chr" + Me![ChrID].Column(1) + ":" + CStr(Me.Start) + ".." + CStr(Me.Stop) + "" > chromeurl url > End Sub > Private Sub Probes_DblClick(Cancel As Integer) > Dim url As String > url = "" + Me![ChrID19].Column(1) + "%3A" + CStr(Me.Start19) + "-" + CStr(Me.Stop19) + "&position=chr" + Me![ChrID19].Column(1) + "%3A" + CStr(Me.Start19 - 500000) + "-" + CStr(Me.Stop19 + 500000) + "" > 'url = "" + Me![ChrID19].Column(1) + "%3A" + CStr(Me.Start19) + "-" + CStr(Me.Stop19) + "&position=chr" + Me![ChrID19].Column(1) + "%3A" + CStr(Me.Start19 - 500000) + "-" + CStr(Me.Stop19 + 500000) + "" > 'url = "" + Me![ChrID19].Column(1) + "%3A" + CStr(Me.Start19 - 1000) + "-" + CStr(Me.Stop19 + 1000) + "" > chromeurl url > ``` deleted?

These appear to have been deleted during an earlier edit which removed any commented out non-functional code.

Graeme-Smith commented 3 years ago

forms/s09_OligoPreliminaryResults, line 3 at r2 (raw file):

Previously, aledj2 (Aled Jones) wrote…
> ``` > ''on open > Private Sub Form_Current() > Me.DNALabellingID.Requery > End Sub > ``` this isn't present in new version

I have restated these 4 lines oif code.

Graeme-Smith commented 3 years ago

forms/s09_OligoPreliminaryResults, line 11 at r2 (raw file):

Previously, aledj2 (Aled Jones) wrote…
> ``` > Private Sub Form_Current() > Me.DNALabellingID.Requery > End Sub > ''hyb id check > Private Sub Form_AfterUpdate() > If IsNull(Me![DNALabellingID]) Then > MsgBox "HybID?", , "Don't be a dummy" > End If > ``` FYI This is present out of order in new version


Graeme-Smith commented 3 years ago

forms/s09_OligoPreliminaryResults, line 3 at r2 (raw file):

Previously, Graeme-Smith (Graeme) wrote…
I have restated these 4 lines oif code.


Graeme-Smith commented 3 years ago

forms/s09_OligoPreliminaryResults, line 129 at r2 (raw file):

Previously, Graeme-Smith (Graeme) wrote…
These appear to have been deleted during an earlier edit which removed any commented out non-functional code.
