mokkabonna / grunt-bower-verify

A grunt task to install and verify your project bower dependencies
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Task "bower-verify" not found. #7

Open mr-moon opened 10 years ago

mr-moon commented 10 years ago

For some reason, I cannot run this task.

Here's the verbosity log:

Registering "grunt-bower-verify" local Npm module tasks.
Reading ~/App/node_modules/grunt-bower-verify/package.json...OK
Parsing ~/App/node_modules/grunt-bower-verify/package.json...OK
Loading "verify.js" tasks...OK
+ bowerVerify
Reading package.json...OK
Parsing package.json...OK
Initializing config...OK
Loading "" tasks...OK

Running tasks: bower-verify
Warning: Task "bower-verify" not found. Use --force to continue.
$ grunt --version
grunt-cli v0.1.11
grunt v0.4.4

grunt bowerVerify works, with this configuration:

        tasks: []
mokkabonna commented 8 years ago

Sorry for the late reply, totally missed it. EDIT: wow realized this was from 2014.. :)

Do you still have the issue? I don't fully understand, you say you cant run it, then that

grunt bowerVerify works, with this configuration:

Anyway here is another repository of mine using this task:

And see the travis output for the test run here:

Take a look at that and see if you notice anything different in your setup.

I am closing this due to age, just to keep things tidy. Reopen if still issues.